Hillis-Carnes Engineering Associates, Inc. (HCEA) Ranked No. 375 in the Nation on the ENR Top 500 Design Firms List

Engineering News-Record (ENR) just published their list for the 2017 Top 500 Design Firms in the Nation. ENR ranks both privately and publicly held U.S.-based design firms, based on the total design-specific revenue reported for the previous calendar year. In 2016, HCEA reported revenue of $34 million, a 12% increase from the previous year, ranking the firm at No. 375!
HCEA is a multi-disciplined consulting engineering firm, known for providing expertise to both public and private sector clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region and the Caribbean market. Our 16 offices are located throughout Maryland, DC, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Barbados, with our newest office located in Lehigh Valley, PA. For additional information, please visit ENR’s Top 500 Design Firms.