Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently undergoing Headworks and Wet Weather Equalization Facilities Improvements. The improvements will allow the existing headworks to increase influent capacity to 469 gallons per day. This project is a multi-year project that includes site improvements and site preparation for the installation and construction of multiple facilities. The overall Wasterwater Treatment Plant is housed on a 466-acre site with a 35-foot elevation difference and services an estimated 1.3 million residents throughout the 140 square-mile area of Baltimore City and County.
Hillis-Carnes is currently providing Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for this project’s duration, including the testing and inspection of soils, mass grading, utilities, and foundations. Our team is also providing static pile load testing utilizing ASTM Standard Loading Procedures and test methods to verify that the test piles are appropriately installed. Additional scope includes the testing and inspection of concrete, reinforcing steel, floor-flatness and levelness, structural steel, plant-precast structural concrete, and masonry.