Facilities Consulting
Facilities Consulting For A Full And Complete Constructability And Building Construction Review
We work with building owners, contractors, developers, architects, and engineers to create complete constructability and inspection reviews before and during the construction of new buildings and before and during the renovation of existing buildings. The result is the delivery of a sound project for the designed life of a structure.
The building envelopes of the future will be engineered by a single company with one manufacturer supplying materials. This type of cohesive design accounts for all variables, and it limits the number of contact points to reduce the likelihood of miscommunication and delays.
Khaldoun El-Jallad, CMT and Facilities Division Manager
Our staff includes registered and certified engineers and inspectors for each discipline required, from certified AAMA inspectors to registered structural engineers and mechanical and electrical inspectors. Our knowledge of the latest regulations combined with three decades of experience makes us acutely aware of the design and construction issues that could arise on many types of structures. We also provide reviews of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment drawings, as well as reviews during and after installation to confirm adherence to approved plans and specifications. Take those concerns off of your mind and put them into our hands.
For existing structures, we can solve issues related to a poor envelope or waterproofing defects. We can review and inspect the design and quality of facades, windows, roofs, exterior insulated finish systems, curtain walls, storefronts, and framing inspections, as well as many other cladding systems.
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Geotechnical Engineering
Provide engineering and associated consulting services, to obtain practical and cost-effective design solutions for the geotechnical aspects of each project.
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Construction Materials Testing & Inspections
Complete quality control testing and special inspections for soils, site utilities, foundations, structural concrete, structural steel, masonry, and pavements.
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